The display screen of a computer contains thousands of tiny pixels that convey the images on the computer screen. 电脑显示屏上有千千万万个象素,这些元构成了屏幕上的图像。
With iPhone and IPad, you can show a soft keyboard on the display screen; a physical keyboard is not an option. 使用iPhone和IPad,您可以在显示屏上显示软键盘;物理键盘不是一个选项。
Monitors Monitors are also called display screen or video display terminals. 监视器监视器也被为屏幕显示或视频显示终端。
Do you habitually use display screen equipment as a significant part of your job? 你工作中经常使用屏幕显示设备吗?
The outer part of the metal shell is fixed with a temperature display screen connected with the control circuit. 所述金属壳体的外部固定有与控制电路相连接的温度显示屏;
The adoption of detector, single chip, voice circuit and digital display screen make the counting even more convenient. 采用探头、单片机、语音电路和数字显示屏,使计数成绩更加方便;
In an instant, the item and its price appear on the cash register's display screen. 物品的价格立马就出现在收银机的显示屏上。
You can move windows around the display screen, and change their shape and size at will. 窗口可以在屏幕上任意拖动,其形状和大小也可以随意改变。
With the rapid development of LCD display technology, LCD display screen is widely used. 随着LCD显示技术的迅速发展,LCD显示屏得到了广泛的应用。
This paper proposes a method to detect the brightness uniformity for LED display screen. 该文针对全彩LED显示屏的亮度均匀性,提出了一种新的检测方法。
Things can be shown on the display screen of a monitor. 事物可以在显示器的屏幕上显示出来。
The smallest display picture element on a video display screen. 在显示屏上所显示图像的最小显示元素。
The display screen display control system and method is capable of displaying the OSD display menu with rich color, dynamic menu and mouse selecting functions. 该显示器屏幕显示控制系统与控制方法能够显示具有色彩丰富、动态画面以及鼠标点选功能的OSD显示菜单。
A computer that can be given commands by touching its display screen in the appropriate locations. 一种电脑的屏幕,使用者可以触摸其适当的位置而对电脑发出指令。
Based on ARM the Design for Color LED Display Screen Control System 基于ARM的全彩LED显示屏控制系统的设计
Principle and circuit of scan and its adjustment means of double primary color LED display screen are introduced. 介绍了双基色LED显示屏的扫描原理、描电路及其调整方法。
Ill-defined divide The night vision system shows objects that are difficult to see on a display screen. 表现不明显的分水岭夜视系统可将不明显的物体显现在显示萤幕上。
Design and simulation of LED display screen based on mobile data 基于移动数据的LED显示屏设计与仿真
In personal computer systems, display screen and desktop printers are popular output devices. 在个人计算机系统中,常用的输出设备是显示屏和台式打印机。
The display screen is in use for displaying image. 显示屏幕用来显示影像;
Integrated with Numeric Control Technology, it can observe the position and state of each part through the computer display screen. 融合了数控技术,在直观大气的触摸屏电脑显示屏上,可以实时观察各机构的位置和状态。
BIOS means'basic input/ output system'and it is the built-in software that determines what a computer can do-for example it controls the keyboard and display screen. BIOS以为着“基本的输入/输出系统”,且它是内置于软件中决定一台计算机能够做什么的东西。例如,它控制着键盘和显示屏。
The invention relates to a display screen display control system and method. 本发明涉及一种显示器屏幕显示控制系统与控制方法。
The display screen is pointer dial type or digital display type. 显示屏为指针刻盘式或数字显示式。
Doing so in a controlled and organized manner produces visual images on the display screen. 以这个原理控制与系统方式在显示屏上制造视觉影像。
Cursor: Moveable indicator on a video display screen to show a location as instructed by the operator. 光标:在影像显示荧光屏上可移动的标志。它指出操作员所需的位置。
OSD display screen a powerful state. 强大的OSD屏幕状态显示功能。
A matrix used in constructing a symbol or character image on a display screen. 用来在显示屏幕上构造出一个符号或字符图象的一种点阵。
Besides, by means of Ping-pong operation, the responsive efficiency of display screen is improved efficaciously, and the application area is widened. 通过乒乓操作,有效地提高了显示屏的响应效率,并扩大了其应用范围。